Friday, April 10, 2009

Apparently we have a stork...

Well, after breakfast the other day, little G-man told me that, Lo and behold…. he had a baby in his stomach and in the very next breath, POP it was out crawling around on the floor [oh that it were so easy!].  I was highly amused for the obvious reasons and asked what the baby’s name was.  To which he very calmly replied, “Cornic”.  Just like it sounds, COR-NIC.  Where does he come up with these names?  And then, all my prayers were answered, because despite biological evidence to the contrary, G-man informed that I had a baby in my stomach as well, and POP, now it was crawling on the floor.  When I inquired about the name of this baby, I was told his name was PeePee.  Okay, yes, G-man has recently potty-trained himself [LOVING IT] but we NEVER refer to it as PeePee.  We try and keep it basic and scientific [and I won’t go into details, thank you very much].  So I tried, subtly, to change it to PeeWee.  No go.  It was PeePee all the way.  And then Cornic and PeePee rode with us to the babysitter’s house, although, unlike other imaginary creatures, they were babies and couldn’t talk.  They had to respond in high pitched UmHm and Uh-nuhs, but weren’t required to hold conversations.  G-man did all the talking for all of them.  However, by the time we’d reached the babysitters they were grown, talking and sprouting teeth.  And by the time I saw him again that evening, G-man informed me that they were now older than him and were, in fact, his big brothers.  It almost does seem as if they grow up that fast.

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