Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Got a bit of a late start today.  Needed to be at work by 7 and didn’t leave until then.  Had to skip lunch in order to get out on time so that I could pick up Gman before 4 when is when the babysitter needed to leave.  Usually he stays until later, 5 or so, which made it nice to have more time with him today.  My friend had a daughter who is almost 14 and she came over to “play” – she thinks of it as babysitting, but since I’m there I think of it more as distracting or playing.  Gman definitely thinks he’s having a play date – so I managed to get the floors swept and mopped [wood with Murphy’s Oil Soap and tile with just rags and water], the laundry in the dryer and then folded, dinner made [hot dog and oranges for the boy, nuggets for the babysitter along with part of my dinner, more later], the kitchen cleaned, the dishwasher started, meat thawed for dinner Thursday [it needs to marinate].  Gman and the young lady played in his room, read books, played for a bit outside with the sprinkler, watched a bit of RESCUE RANGERS, and let me get it all done.  Although, when I was cleaning the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, Gman did come and complain that he didn’t want to play with S anymore because she didn’t’ play right [she was trying to teach him how to play a memory game and he just likes to throw the cards at this point].  He then climbed on my back and tried to ride me like a horse.  S came to my rescue and just chased him around the house.  He so needs a sibling.  I’m sure that S, oldest of 6, is used to teaching her siblings how to play games, and I know that they look up to her and try to mimic her.  Unfortunately, my little tyrant is used to having his own way.  He spent most of the time dictating what to play and when things weren’t exactly to his satisfaction, he left.  I am so worried about this.  How is he going to survive preschool let alone make any friends.  No one is going to want to play with such a bossy little tyrant.  And as he’s the oldest at the regular babysitter’s house, he’s used to being in charge.  Does anyone know how I can fix this?  Help.

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