Monday, November 21, 2011


Well, I took a week off work (I won't call it a vacation because I was still at home, had housework to do, and no one cooked for me:P) and expected to make some progress on reading, but alas, sleep and housework robbed me of my time. I did manage to finish
55. World Without End by Ken Follett and enjoyed it a lot. It was very similar to Pillars of the Earth with multiple plot lines all intersecting at various points. I hated the Wulfric and Gwenda plot line because it was emotionally draining. And I didn't see the point about Thomas's past, except as a way to tie history into the plot and it was a very weak tie-in.
Read to Gman
G156. Veronica by Roger Duvoisin
G157. Veronica on Petunia's Farm by Roger Duvoisin
56. Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson - this wasn't as good as the first book. Obviously there's a lot of suspension of disbelief that needs to take place. I could do that with the starstuff (although I did think they could have come up with a better name for it), but had real difficulty with "Lord Ombra". I didn't feel there was a satisfying answer to what exactly he was and I disliked the notion that his ilk would be in future books. I like how certain elements were thrown in for the entertainment of pre-adolescent boys - the escape from the tower comes to mind. The ending did seem a bit sudden for some reason. I don't know why. There was a lot of build up and some really great suspense scenes, but then all of a sudden it was over. I can't put my finger on why I felt this way, unless because there was so much build up - too much anticipation and not enough delivery. I did cheat, however. I was supposed to be reading this to Gman and finished it without him. I'm still reading it to him at night, but once he fell asleep, I had to find out how it ended. Perhaps when I reread it to him I'll be able to better identify why I felt the ending was so sudden or perhaps will realize that it wasn't.

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