Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Meet the Mice

So Gman has a whole family of imaginary mice living with us. They chase us around and attack us [he has to ‘protect’ me from them] and last night he got incredibly sweaty running around in circles for a good five minutes with these mice calling out encouragement [in the high pitched voice of his Daddy]. Their names are Pickles [the father], Coonie [the mama], Harry, Choppie, Tutter, and Kercshamal mouse [the kids]. We started with just Tutter Mouse [from Bear in the Big Blue House] and one day Kercshamal mouse [never just Kercshamal] showed up. And last night we were introduced to the whole family along with Dr. Conio [pronounced Cone-e-o] who is a mouse that takes care of other mice. Apparently Pickles and Coonie were killed in a flood and Gman was taking care of the kids. In true childhood fashion, Dr. Conio “cured” Pickles and Coonie and Gman took the kids home so they could be a family together again. It’s fascinating the insight this gives me into G’s mind. I know he’s been worried about our “flood” in that he tells everyone that will listen about our “broken” house and how the pipe broke and flooded our house. And afterward, when we moved in with Grandma, Daddy was still sleeping at home and Gman started having screaming fits. He never has had them before. And they stopped when Daddy started staying at Grandma’s with us. Although, every night he makes sure to ask if Dad will be sleeping with us or if Dad will be there in the morning when he wakes up. I thought he was unaware of how devastating the damage to our house was, but I guess, even if it’s not in his conscious mind, he knows this was a life-altering event. And he deals with by playacting with his imaginary mice.

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