Wednesday, December 15, 2010


No TV Monday and no TV Tuesday!  Monday was soccer practice and then straight to bed as the little monkey was exhausted [not from soccer as he mostly walks around despite the manic energy of his fellow athletes].  Tuesday was the library where we borrowed many Christmas and winter books.  Also The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Wind in the Willows on Audio CD.  Mama got several books she’d been waiting for as well, The Help, Still Missing, and an artisan bread baking book, something like Artisan Baking in 5 minutes a Day

But honestly, G wouldn’t have gotten to watch TV anyway, even if Mama were being lazy.  He’s having trouble at school with the “keep your hands to yourself” rule.  He and his little buddy play kind of rough together and can’t seem to stand near one another without giving each other noogies, etc.  The fact that said little buddy is a girl is what makes it difficult.  I’m not overly worried about it.  Little Buddy is several inches taller than Gman and is the youngest of 4 kids.  I’m sure that she’s used to some rough play.  Still, it is a rule at school so we’re enforcing it at home.  If I get a note home [sent an index card with all the days left in this month written on it, if it comes home with an X through the day, he couldn’t control his hands] there’s no TV.  Both nights there was an X on the card.  I’m not always good at staying the course when it comes to self-control [i.e. not watching TV], but I am excellent at enforcing rules I set up as consequences.  Sometimes I rethink the consequences and decide I’ve been too harsh, but even then, the consequences stay for that instance and then get changed for future incidents.  If I’ve said if you do there is no TV, and he does it anyway, then there’s no TV.  If I said, you have to take the icky medicine if you cough again, then it’s icky medicine time when the coughing starts.  But if I’ve said, let’s don’t watch TV tonight and I’m tired and he’s persistent, I may give in.  Can someone be “semi-consistent”?

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